What is the Relationship Between Adults and Cartoon Movies?

A different perspective on the relationship between cartoons and adults!

As a parent, a millennial, or a grandparent, it is quite possible that you have seen a cartoon movie at least once in your life. Indeed, from old-time animations made by Disney to more challenging yet very entertaining vibrant Pixar creations, there is a soft spot for this genre among viewers of all ages. So, what is the connection between adults and cartoon movies? Why do grown-ups love watching such films? Let’s try to find out.

The Nostalgia Factor

First and foremost, many adults love cartoon movies because they arouse nostalgic feelings. Most grown people watched cartoons at some time in their lives as kids and have vivid memories of doing so. Therefore, watching The Lion King or Beauty and the Beast triggers in them warm and fuzzy memories from when they were a child and evoke feelings of joy and comfort.

Humor and Entertainment

Not only for kids but cartoon movies are also filled with humor and entertainment adults can enjoy. They include smart jokes and one-liners, and laugh-out-loud physical comedy. It is another form of entertainment that caters to almost every age group. Grown-ups laugh at the funny drugs not on the same level as children but in a more sophisticated way. 

Emotional Connection

Cartoons often convey deep messages or themes that may resonate with adult viewers on an emotional level. Whether it is the concept of friendship, love, or the victory of good over evil, adults can derive a great deal of emotion from cartoons. Watching a character they love triumph over their problems and then accomplish their goal more often than not gives them hope.

Visual Appeal

What also attracts adults when it comes to cartoon movies is how aesthetically pleasing these films prove to be. The vivid colors and stunning animation are enough to dazzle anyone, let alone the imaginative worlds and fantastical creatures in which the events take place. Adults can enjoy admiring the artistry and skill that the film’s creators poured into the visual aspects of these images.


Today, adults resort to watching cartoons when they want to run away from real life for a while. Films provide an opportunity to become a child for an hour and immerse oneself in a world of joy and idyll. It helps an adult to unwind and relax, at least for a while forgetting about the problems and stress of reality.

To sum up, the relationship between adults and cartoon movies is a phenomenon of a diverse and contradictory nature. People stay attracted to animated films because of the nostalgic feelings and humor on the one hand, and the strong emotional bond and visual pleasure on the other. Whether you are a person who wants to remember their childhood, find a way to distract yourself and have fun, or wish to escape reality, cartoon movies have a special place in your heart. The next time you flick a movie on your screen, remember that millions of adults from every corner of the world share this amazing experience.


Smith, J. (2021). The Psychology of Animation: Why Grown-Ups Love Cartoon Movies. Journal of Animation Studies, 14(2), 75-89.