A Guide to Keep New Year Resolutions

With a new year to look forward, we all make some new year resolution to abide by for the whole year. How far we keep these resolutions?

We do abide by our new resolutions for a few weeks and sometimes months, but then we feel demotivated and never keep up with it. Here are a few ways to stay motivated and be able to achieve your goals. 

1- Make short-term goals

It is very natural to make long-term goals, but it is often the case that along the way, we lose motivation to keep going or thrive for the same goal that takes such a long time. Having short-term goals will help you to maintain your motivation on track and also work towards your goals as you see results. You can make short-term goals such as eating healthy meals at least thrice a week, saving a certain amount every week, working out twice a week and so on. 

2- Track your progress

Have a journal or an app that tracks your progress. You can keep your progress on track which further motivates you to keep going and help you feel good that you achieved something. Keeping track of your progress will not only show you how far you have come but also how much you have progressed from the time you started. 

3- Note it down

You can write down your resolution on a piece of paper or on sticky notes. Keep the list of resolutions in front of your eyes. You can use sticky notes and stick them on the places your eyes would fall directly. It will give you gentle reminders to keep going on.

4- Celebrate your achievements

It could be a small achievement. Maybe you made it through two weeks keeping goals on track. You could treat yourself to something nice. Giving yourself rewards would help you enjoy the process of achieving your goals. 

5- Duo dual

You can ask your friends who would like to collaborate with you on this journey. You can motivate each other and discuss your progress. You can have a friendly competition that can keep you both motivated to work towards your goals.

6- New ways 

It could get a bit boring to do your work in the same way as other days. It will make you feel stuck, unmotivated, and stagnant. You can find new ways to do things that will give you the change you need. Having a change of habits or the way you do things to achieve your goals will make you enjoy the process. For instance, your goal is to work out twice a week. You can have a dance party by yourself to enjoy your time and sweat it out in the process. You will enjoy it a lot. 

7- Be consistent

This goes without saying. Being consistent will not only bring you your results sooner but also let you know that you worked hard enough to get it. As they say, consistency is the key to all things. 

Here are a few ways you can stay focused on your goals but the utmost significant thing to do is enjoy the process of you working towards your goals. You can enjoy your time working towards it. It doesn’t have to be all serious and punctual always. Hope these ways would help you as much as they helped me.

See you in the next article!