Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants vs Digital Hybrids

A closer look at the new generations

In a period when traditional media tools were replaced by new media tools, the internet dominated the world. The internet, where integration and information sharing takes place on a fast, dynamic and global scale, has literally ushered in a new era. Furthermore, the internet, which creates a unique culture of its own, contains different communication patterns and habits. The three generations emerging from this new trend are called “digital natives“,“digital immigrants“ and “digital hybrids“.

Digital native includes people born in 2000 and later. People who are introduced to technology at a very young age and can use it actively are described as digital natives. This generation is experienced in digital literacy, up-to-date on internet and social media usage. A generation that easily does their homework and work interactively over the internet, does not hesitate to make friends in the virtual environment, and plays digital games. They are influenced by visuals, music, moving objects and animations rather than print publications. They research and gain knowledge about future technologies such as artificial intelligence and metaverse.

Digital immigrants are used to refer to those who became acquainted with technology and the internet after adolescence. They may encounter compatibility problems while using technology. They do not actively use new media tools. Although some of their peers have adapted well to the digital world, they primarily prefer printed publications to obtain information. Digital hybrids, on the other hand, show characteristics of both generations. They are not as resistant to technology as immigrants, but according to them, traditional methods have not lost as much meaning as the natives think. There are aspects that are similar and dissimilar to both generations.

The unpredictable and rapid change of technology has created a digital society structure where borders disappear. In this context, it is important to consider technology sociologically in order to understand the new world order.