How To Dive Into The Emotions

Understanding and navigating our emotions can be both a profound and transformative journey.

Sometimes there are times when we are afraid to even understand our feelings. Diving into our emotions can be challenging that, sometimes, we don’t even give ourselves permission to dip our toes in the water. The fear of what lies beneath the surface can be unexpected and holding us back from exploring the depths of our inner world.

It’s an odd paradox. Most things that hold the key to our healing can also become the source of our greatest distress. We tell ourselves that it’s safer to stay on the shore, where the waters are calm and predictable, rather than risk being swept away by the currents.

I’ve also been there myself. Caught between the extremes of feeling everything intensely or numbing myself completely, I found myself standing on the edge of my emotions, afraid to show up. It was as if I didn’t know there could be a middle part, a place where I could acknowledge my feelings without being overwhelmed by them.

I worried that if I allowed myself to fully feel, I would suddenly be consumed by the intensity of it all.

But as I stood there, watching the waves crash against the shore, I realized that staying on the sidelines was not enough. All of the time I failed to realize was that by denying myself the opportunity to feel, I was also denying myself the opportunity to heal. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom, when the weight of my emotions became too heavy to bear, that I finally allowed myself to let go. I allowed myself to feel the pain, the anger, the sadness, without judgment. It was messy, it was chaotic, but in the end it was also incredibly liberating and comforting.

While that’s true, what I’ve come to realize is that there’s a fine line between diving deep and drowning. Emotions are messy, we must accept this. Sometimes, diving deeply is not an option, and that’s okay.  Sometimes, all we can do is dip our toes in slowly, and that’s completely okay too.

We don’t have to drown we can always learn to stay in the right spot. Remember that finding balance is the key to this thing!