Is AI All About Simulating Human Intelligence?

As rapid technological advances bring artificial intelligence into our daily life, the public imagination is dominated by fear.

Artificial Intelligence is the science of making intelligent machines, in particular, intelligent computer programs. One of AI's tasks includes using computers to understand human intelligence. AI research allows computers to carry out specific mechanisms. Sometimes AI enables machines to solve problems by observing other people. With AI, vast opportunities are opening up for performing tests that used to require human intelligence in better, faster, and more efficient ways. However, AI researchers can use methods that are not observed in people or which involve much more computing than people can do.

Computer programs have plenty of speed and memory but their abilities correspond to the intellectual mechanisms that program designers understand well enough to put in programs. For instance, some abilities that children normally don't develop till they are teenagers may be in, and some abilities possessed by two-year-olds are still out. The issue is further complicated by the fact that the cognitive sciences still have not succeeded in determining exactly what human abilities are. The human mind has a lot of peculiarities and for this reason, it is highly unlikely for AI to put the human mind into a computer. However, the ultimate effort of researchers is to make computer programs that can solve problems and achieve goals in the world as well as humans.

To sum up, it cannot be predicted when human-level intelligence will be achieved as most AI researchers believe that new fundamental ideas are required.


McCarthy, John. "What is Artificial Intelligence?" (2007): 2020