Simple Life & Better Life

We all have been dealing with stress, burnout  and workload. All we need is a simple life. Here are some ways to make life simpler.

Let's be honest. We all have been dealing with stress, burnout, and workload. We need a break from all these burdening tasks. At the time, where we were supposed to be staying inside to keep ourselves safe. We are prone to this view of simplifying life.

There is no way to cheat life, but we can surely make changes in our routines that lead to simpler and finer things in life. Just so you could enjoy life a little more.

1- Declutter your mind

It is often with all of us that our ever-running thoughts never stop and keep going for laps even when we need rest. A good way to control and break free from these thoughts is meditation. There are many ways to meditate, as meditation shows to have brought inner peace and reduced stress. Not into meditation? I got you covered. You can take a book and write all those random thoughts that pop up in your head. Writing them down will help you let them go. This method is called brain-dump.

2- Organize 

I know some of you won't like this idea but hear me out! I won't ask you to organize everything in your house. It is your house. Your rules! Did you know that working on a clean organized desk improves productivity? If you want to be productive, clean and organize the things around you. You can start by making your bed first thing in the morning or re-arranging your desk for a change. Ideas are endless.

3- Social media detox

Social media is a place that influences a lot in our day-to-day life. We really need to know everything we see on social media isn't always gonna be 100% true. We are living in a generation where social media runs everything. Taking a day off from social media and connecting back to yourself will be the best thing you ever did. Maybe at first, you won't notice the change, but it really does the magic. Wondering what would you do if not spend time scrolling through social media? Well, you can paint, cook a dish, go out for a walk, take a nap and many more things.

4- Get your body moving

Yes! As the title says, get your body moving! There are various ways you can do so. Maybe you can hit the gym if you like to work out or you can work out at home. You can play your favorite track and dance your way to the rhythm. Don't be afraid. Show those moves! If these aren't the ones you like, then I still have a few more options for you. You can choose to play a game that gets your body moving like Just dance.

5- Drink water

Drinking water is essential for the body since it gets rid of the toxins from the body. Drinking water doesn't only keep you hydrated but also helps you to get clear skin. 

6- Spend time in nature 

There are often times when we get too lost in our little world. We never notice the beauty around us. Take some time out and spend it in nature. Go for a picnic with your loved ones and enjoy a little get-together. It will make you feel happy and a life worth living.

7- Unsubscribe 

Unsubscribe from all those junk emails that no longer do your services. It is better to get rid of them. Decluttering your emails can also help you feel that your emails are more organized, instantly making you feel better.

These are some ways through which you can simplify your life. Of course! You can go beyond this and inculcate these habits into your life. I hope these tips helped you in the tiniest way possible. 

See you in my next article.