The Glass Menagerie

A memory play by Tennessee Williams

The Glass Menagerie is a play that was written and produced by Tennessee Williams in the 1930s and is necessarily based on memory and family drama. The play is Tennesse Williams's first accomplished play and includes autobiographical characters based on Williams's family. In this blog, we will analyze the play regarding its use of time, situation, and characters.

The play includes some illusional and desperate characters. The family are the main characters in the play, and they struggle with financial and psychological challenges in the 1930s.

Amanda Wingfield: The mother of two young individuals who always desire a prosperous life for the two children. Her husband abandoned the family and she is a disappointed mom because her daughter (Laura) has some severe mental issues due to her handicap. Although she enrolls the girl despite her family problems but Amanda finds out that Laura isn't willing to continue this college. Therefore, the mother decides that a marriage might be a good solution for her girl.

Tom: The son of Amanda and brother of Laura. He thinks he is in a complicated situation and mentality in the family. Also, he symbolizes dreams and always keeps escape in his mind.

Laura: the daughter of Amanda. She is a fragile and shy girl. She cannot attend college although her mother insists on the college. Because of her physical (limp) handicap, she cannot get over the reality of the world. Her nickname is "Blue Roses". The reflection of glass animals is obvious to her.

In this play, the family undergoes some financial and familial issues as the father runs off. We could observe that the family is the only stem for each other to sustain their life. The mother - Amanda- asks the son to keep an eye out for Laura for a proper marriage while Tom is sick of his boring job. Tom decides to invite his friend and colleague "Jim O'Connor" to his house. Then, Tom brings the gentleman and introduces him to Laura. However, Laura becomes bewildered as Jim was her secret crush in high school. Laura and Jim meet, after a while, in a room. Laura mentions high school. Electricity goes out and she lights candles. They dance and he accidentally break the glass unicorn. They suddenly kiss but he says that he has a fiance. Laura gets terrified and gives the unicorn to him. Jim leaves and Amanda and Tom get furious at him. Finally, Tom abandons the family on that occasion.

Every member of this has difficulty with reality, escape, and peace. This severe situation and the mother's desire for her daughter Laura to have a good marriage with a gentleman lead to Tom to find a way for himself. The marriage is a way for Laura, as this man is her secret love in the school, even though Jim is engaged. However, this decision tears the family apart. Vulnerable Laura is devastated aside from her mental and physical issues.

I believe this masterpiece is beyond a drama play because affected me in many aspects, especially sentimental. Also, it is probable to understand the heartbreak of Laura when she learns the kiss is not beyond a friendship. I hope you get the chance to read and watch The Glass Menagerie as it will benefit and broaden your horizons.