The Urge Behind Learning New Languages

What leads us to learn a new language?

I personally believe that there is not one obvious reason to absorb a new foreign language. Lots of reasons and urges emerge as the absolute goal in one’s learning path. So, the most common reason is to try to understand new experiences and cultures. Half of the people are generally accustomed to attaining a foreign language because of their some kinds of interests, jobs, or schools.

However, some people want to learn a new language because of the unknown urge to achieve something different. One might want to prove herself/himself while speaking in a distinct language, or one might want to precede other opponents. Also, languages open a way of meaning to the objective world, such as understanding people from a new perspective and observing life’s bringing. When we learn a language, we actually get to know all about the history, culture, literature, art, and society of its; therefore, it’s not just about speaking and learning; it’s also about embracing and being a part of it. 

The other perspective is to express oneself in a new language, which might be the reason for not being understood in one’s native language. It could have a psychological response and a reason about not being understood in one’s native tongue and one’s effort to look for other solutions.