The Witch-Goddess: Circe

Kirke; Witch goddess in Greek mythology.

According to Greek mythology, Circe is a witch-goddess. She is one of the people who play a major role in the adventures of Odysseus just like Kalypso. She is the daughter of the Titan Helios, who represents the sun itself, and Perseus, the daughter of Oceanus.

Legends state that Circe lived on the island of Aeaea. In Homer's Odyssey, when Odysseus visits her island of Aeaea on the way back from the Trojan War, she turns most of his crew into swine. God Hermes helps Odysseus.

Odysseus describes Circe as a fearsome goddess with a beautiful wrist and a human voice. Circe falls in love with Odysseus and after sleeping with him, she turns his friends back into humans. Odysseus stays with Circe for over a year. Circe wants to marry Odysseus. But Odysseus' friends warn him and remind him that they have to return home. Circe agrees, albeit by force, and helps Odysseus to return home.

According to the legends after the Odyssey, Circe had children with Odysseus. One of these children is Telegonos, the other is Latinos.

Circe appeared not only in the Odyssey but also in the Argonautika legend. She is best known for her legends in Odyssey. If you want to know more about her you can read Circe by Madeline Miller.