Travel on a Budget

Traveling on budget is not impossible. Have fun and discover the world.

As you know, the rising inflation makes our life harder. Everything price goes up, this includes busses, planes, hotels, etc. We still want to explore the world despite the problems. Looking at everything behind a black screen can be tiring within time. So today, we’ll tell you the tricks to travel on the budget.

1- Hotels out, Couchsurfing in!

We spent a lot of money just to stay somewhere. Most of the budget goes to hotels. Thus, staying a cheaper place gives us a room breathe and enjoy our trip without worrying about the budget.


We can use these apps for his purpose. Couchsurfing is one of the best choice you can try. You can look up the reviews left by people who stayed there. Then you can decide whether to stay. Probably, you won’t be comfortable as you stay in the hotels, but cheaper. And who knows, maybe you can have good friends?

2- Local foods


After the hotels, foods are the most expensive. We need to eat at least 2 or 3 times a day, so a considerable amount of your budget goes to foods. By eating local foods, not only you save money also you’ll experience a new culture. Win-win.



3- Transportation

Depending on the country, going to some place may be a bit spicy. So using public transportation is the best choice while travelling on budget. Also, it will be a good chance to meet new people who locals use public transportation daily.

Sometimes using a taxi could be attractive, but being a tourist and using a taxi is not a great combination, as some people are greedy. They may trick you into spending much more money than usual. Therefore, public transportation is the best!

As you can see, with only 3 steps, you can travel on budget. Of course, you should be careful about spending money at parties, places where tourist visit most. Still, you can have fun and spend less money while travelling.


Have a fun travel and may your experiences give you joy!