1 Billon Dollar Morning Routine

1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine by Be Inspired

As human beings, we all have productive and unproductive days. The meaning of productivity may vary with a person's lifestyle, but most people prefer productive days over other days when they stay in bed all day. Routines are one of the ways to help be productive throughout the day. In this article, I tried to explain and give my opinions about the 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine by Be Inspired.

First of all, we must understand that having an unproductive day is very normal, and it is okay to be unproductive. Thus, one should not be overwhelmed by this and be optimistic for the upcoming days. 

The first step of the 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine is recalling your dreams after you wake up in the morning.

The second step of the routine is making your bed. This step is said to be a success habit, meaning that doing this will give you a feeling of success and also be a motivator to do other things you have on your to-do list. 

The third step is to have a glass of water and take probiotics and supplements to hydrate your body and maintain gut health.

The fourth step is focusing on breathing and 20 minutes of meditation to oxygenate your body, focusing on mindfulness, and having a clear mind before doing daily tasks.

The fifth step is 1-2 minutes of intense movements, such as burpees, crunches, and jumping jacks, to wake your body. After this short exercise, you take a cold shower to reset your nervous system and decrease inflammation and this is followed by brushing your teeth and doing your morning skincare.

The sixth step is sipping tea while journaling. You can choose to write in your diary or a special journal type like the five-minute journal. After journaling, you make your to-do list for the day. This to-do list should include 3 work-related and three personal things. In addition to the to-do list, this routine includes a to-feel list where you write three things you want to feel that day to help you design your day accordingly. Also, there is a to-be list where you write who you want to be that day, such as a good teacher, a good coach, etc.

The seventh step is to read for 20-30 minutes. 

The final step includes making a brain smoothie including leafy vegetables, blueberries, avocado, water, etc., and focusing on brain training. This includes taking self-betterment courses or listening to related podcasts. 

These are all the steps for the 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine. Personally, I really like trying routines and challenges to understand myself better and, I also enjoy doing new things. I haven't tried this morning routine yet, but I have opinions based on the steps I introduced. 

The second step, which is making your bed, is not working for me. I do make my bed after I aerate my room; however, it does not give me the feeling of accomplishment and does not affect my motivation. In addition, I am the type of person that needs to have breakfast within one hour of waking up, so it seems kinda hard for me to do all these steps before eating. However, I am excited to try journaling steps and to-do, to-feel, and to-be lists and self-betterment steps. 

Overall, the 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine may help you be more productive since it is not just a routine but also involves steps to develop yourself.

If you want to look at the original video explanation of this routine you can check the Be Inspired YouTube channel.