
Aang: What are Chakras? Guru Pathik: Oh. I see. I guess we’ll start with the basics. -Avatar the Last Airbender

The Sanskrit word “chakra” translates to the English word “wheel”. These wheels are our energy centers. In between these energy centers our life force flows. The concept of the chakras originates from Hinduism. There are seven chakras in our energy bodies which also influence our physical bodies.

Root (Muladhara) Chakra

It is located at the base of the spine. Root Chakra is connected to our basic needs for survival like food, sleep, and safety. It is our connection to the earth. It is blocked by fear and various forms of trauma.

Psychological symptoms of blockage include:

Anxiety disorders, fear, panic attacks, overthinking, depression, anger/rage

Physical symptoms of blockage include:

Problems in the colon, inflammation, cramps, and prostate problems

Eating disorders may also be a sign of a root chakra imbalance. Its color is red and the seed mantra of the chakra is LAM.

Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra 

It is located below the navel, at the center of your lower belly. It is associated with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity. Its element is water. The Sacral Chakra is most commonly represented with the color orange. The sacral chakra is blocked by anything boring, repetitive, or stifling. For example, if someone gives you negative feedback about your creativity or sexuality, you feel let down, and that causes blockage. In my opinion, it is blocked by shame and guilt that doesn't belong to you but that feels like everything is your fault, if it makes sense. Especially childhood traumas affect Sacral Chakra's health.

Psychological symptoms of blockage include:

Depression, low self-esteem, insecurity, detachment, jealousy, and fear

Physical symptoms of blockage include:

Constipation, back pain, urinary and kidney infections, gynecological cysts, abnormal menstruation, infertility, and impotence.

The seed mantra of this chakra is VAM.

Solar Plexus (Manipura) Chakra 

It is located between the navel and the lower part of the chest. When the solar plexus chakra is in balance, a person exudes confidence (without being arrogant), feels self-motivated, and has a sense of purpose. When out of balance, someone may suffer from low self-esteem, have trouble making decisions, and have control issues. The Solar Plexus Chakra is most commonly represented with the color yellow. Its element is fire.

If there's a blockage around the Solar Plexus Chakra, your confidence will be very shaky. If there is only a small blockage, there may only be insecurity in one specific area. A larger blockage will cause generalized self-esteem problems. Physical difficulties associated with a blocked Solar Plexus Chakra may include digestive discomfort and troubles with memory. The seed mantra of the chakra is RAM.

Heart (Anahata) Chakra 

It is located in the center of the chest. When the heart chakra is in healthy alignment you will feel surrounded by love, compassion, and joy and connected to the world around you. The Heart Chakra is most commonly represented by the color green. Its element is air.

A closed heart chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others-especially in the form of holding a grudge against something or someone. The seed mantra of the chakra is YAM.

Throat (Vishuddha) Chakra

This chakra is located in the area of the throat. Basically, Throat Chakra is about communication skills and speaking your truth. For example, when you hide your thoughts just because you are afraid of getting rejected or being judged, you start to harm your chakra. When you block your true self, you block your chakra too. When this chakra is blocked you feel like words in your mind stuck in your tongue and can't come out. You have poor communication skills and don't know what to say or when to say it. Physically blocked throat chakra can manifest itself as sore throat, thyroid problems, neck and shoulder pain, issues with hearing, jaw pain, or TMJ. Its color is blue and the element is ether. Throat Chakra's seed mantra is HAM.

The Third Eye (Ajna) Chakra 

It is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. When the energy center of the Third Eye becomes blocked, you may start to distrust that inner voice. Your perception of life and where you're headed can become negatively skewed and nearly unrecognizable. Unable to let go of the past and a fear of what the future holds makes you very dogmatic in your beliefs, daily routine, and how you view others. Open and balanced Third Eye allows you to see life accurately. Taking things in stride, you know what you want in life and how you plan to get there. Depending on how open your sixth chakra is, you may also have heightened intuition that you've learned to trust. Its color is dark blue/blueish purple. Third Eye Chakra's seed mantra is OM.

The Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra 

It is located at the crown of the head. The gift of this chakra is experiencing unity and the selfless realization that everything is connected at a fundamental level. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience mystical oneness with everyone and everything in nature. A blocked crown chakra can limit spiritual growth and cause isolation and emotional distress.

Physically you may experience Headaches, migraine, etc. Its colour is purple. Crown Chakra's seed mantra is OM.

Please note that, if you have the conditions mentioned above you should see a doctor. This article is not for giving diagnoses.

Also, please consider watching this amazing take on chakras;

cover image credit Skybox Creative on @creativemarket