Colors and Their Meanings

Every color has a meaning. Do you know what are their meanings?

As you know, every color affects our minds. That’s the reason they advise like: ‘If you are going to give a presentation, wear dark colors.’ Because wearing or seeing a particular color affects our thinking. So, what colors should we wear to use this effect to our advantage?

1- White

White is a little complicated color. For example; in Eastern cultures like China, they used this color for mourners, while in Western countries it is a symbol of pureness. Thus, it has a lot of mixed meanings, but in general, it represents purity and innocence. Also, in many places, it can be used as a symbol of peace.

Where can you use this color? If you want the other party sees you as an innocent person, you can use this color. Also, white has an effect to calm our minds. So if you want to be seen as an angel or a calming figure, such as a nurse, it may be wise of you to use this color.

2- Black

As most of you know, we mostly associated black with death and fear. It can also mean power and mystery. Probably, that’s the reason they say that more reasonable to wear dark colors such as black while representing.

It can use an event requiring a person who shows strength. Also, in Western mourners, black is used for a considerable amount. To show your strength or express your sadness about the death of certain someone you can use it.

3- Blue

One of my favorite colors, blue, is associated with calmness, stability, and order. Most people see it as a non-threatening color blue. So, we can say blue is a friendly color. It says a lot about a person’s character, I suppose.

Of course, blue also represents sadness or aloofness. You probably heard from your English teachers that blue means sadness. Mostly in paintings or books, it might represent negative emotions. And it may surprise some of you, but the blue effect reduces appetite. So, if you plan to lose weight, it may be wise of you to choose a blue plate.

4- Red

Red is one of the most popular colors and is mostly said to represent passion. Red is a complicated color, like white. It has the opposite effect depending on gender or situation.

It may mean passion and love, or danger and anger. You see red in traffic lights or signs that say “Beware!” As you can see, it has multiple meanings with opposite emotions.

If you want to draw attention to somewhere or someone, you can use red. Such as lipstick and traffic signs. It also can represent confidence, as drawing attention requires confidence. But be careful that this is one of the most threatening colors and can backfire.

Today, we talked about some colors and their meanings. What is your favorite color and do you agree with these meanings?