Couple Words On Plastic Theatre

Plastic theatre is a theatre form that focuses on visual elements in its narration.

A plastic theatre is a theatre form that focuses on visual elements in its narration. In this type of theatre, we can see effective use of visual objects such as puppetry, masks, and props, in order to create an effective, symbolic performance. It is possible to trace this form of theatre back to the commedia dell’arte of the 16th century, which was based heavily on visual elements to tell its stories. In the 20th century, plastic theatre is often used as a critical tool for political and social conventions. 

Plastic theatre is the process of performing with props, sounds, and stage directions. Plastic actors’ performances include props, sounds, stage direction, and costumes. Instead of expecting a real outcome, the piece expresses symbolic meaning. A photograph can be presented in less than one hundredth the time as a fake. Tennessee Williams’ production notes for his play The Glass Menagerie are, according to him, the most revealing. He described how to perform plastic theatre as an art form. The set provides props, noises, and directions that are similar to the characters’ thought processes.

German playwright Bertolt Brecht and Polish director Jerzy Grotowski can be given as examples of famous plastic theatre playwrights. The use of puppets and masks is often seen in Brecht’s works to create an alienating effect that would allow audiences to better engage with the messages of his plays. Grotowski, on the other hand, used plastic theatre as a way to create a more intimate and emotionally charged theatre experience. His work often incorporated physical contact between actors and audience members, as well as between the actors themselves.

While plastic theatre can be used to create a variety of different theatre experiences, it is perhaps best known for its ability to create visually arresting and thought-provoking performances.

A plastic theatre employs props, sound, stage direction, and costumes to tell a poetic truth through symbolic means. It is intended to be symbolic, not realistic. The purpose of plastic theatre is to create an environment where the audience can suspend their disbelief and become fully immersed in the story. The sets and costumes are designed to be realistic and the acting is highly stylized to create a sense of otherworldly atmosphere.