Dorian's Desire (Poem)

This poem is inspired by Dorian Grey’s Portrait by Oscar Wilde.

The young man asked for an immortal portrait;

His face shone with an angelic radiance,

Because he could trade everything.

He yearned for eternity and literary beauty,

While the brush strokes carry out his will,

Her skin came to life again on the stretched canvas,

But if he could turn back time;

He would refuse this request.

His soul longed for the eternity of youth,

But it also embraced the darkness,

As the days passed, he took refuge in sins,

But the portrait looked at him and laughed,

With a crooked smile.

It was his mirror;

The weight of old age has been lifted,

Day after day Dorian stared at himself;

To the wound inflicted by his dark desire.

The price of every deal,

Determined at the very beginning;

Fate and time play tricks,

Faustian bargain! What a shame;

Dorian, what a shame!

It leaves a mark on you.

And Dorian saw it too late,

He was mortal;

The immortal is death itself.