Effects of Technology on Kids

A little preview to effects of technology on kids.

In old days, children were playing outside of the home with their peers all day. They were involved in the natural world, would be able to experience different types of novelties, and also could socialize somehow. Over the years, however, it has changed a little bit. The business of modern life had also affected the kids, and they've started to spend their time on indoor activities individually. People, as well as kids, had become more individualistic than ever before by accessing the internet, TV, and other technological developments.

We of course can't deny the beneficial effects of technology on our lives, however, little kids need to develop properly. For physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development, children need to socialize, get involved in society, need to exposure to nature. They need to go out to get fresh air for brain development and have physical activities to activate their bodily muscles. Interacting and playing with peers among kids help not only their essential muscles to develop, but also makes these kids to involved in society as well. Isolating from society may cause some later psychopathologies among people. The individuals who don't interact with each other in their earlier years become depressive, pessimistic, and unincluded. They even sometimes may evolve into psychopaths or sociopaths. That's the reason why social interaction from the beginning of early ages is so important, not just on an individual level, but also on a social and universal level as well. A well-socialized brain could be happier and more productive as a human himself.

In conclusion, involvement with nature and others is so important for both the physical and mental health of kids, adults, humans, and society.