Examples of Successful Design Thinking

Each "design" with its visual appeal expresses not only a product, but also a lifestyle

Heinz has produced a solution to a problem that is a problem for every human being in human-oriented design products. No longer will the sauces left at the bottom of the ketchup go to waste. He designed a bottle called Ketch-Up & Down. Thanks to the special design, you will be able to use every drop of the product and there will be no product left at the bottom. With a positive and realistic approach by users, the brand has solved the problem. "We saw the success of the upside-down bottle we launched in 2010 as an opportunity to solve a problem faced by our fans," said Passant El Ghannam, Head of Marketing at Heinz. (https://www.pazarlamasyon.com/heinz-dan-sisede-ketcap-birakmayan-tasarim)

Dyson Airwrap has solved the problem with a great design and technology because women are fond of caring for their hair and always take care of it, but cannot protect it against wear and tear. It is a design product that sets an example in design-oriented ideas by using air to shape the hair with little heat without damaging it. The brand continues to distinguish itself by developing very design products in home appliances.

With Tesla's smart summoning feature, it is possible to have the car delivered to your doorstep. It is one of the most beautiful and successful designs in design-oriented ideas. A design that provides comfort to people by arriving at the destination. It is quite difficult for a disabled person to get into a parked car, or for a sick person to get into a car. However, you can call it to you by giving a single command to your parked vehicle.

Nike continues to do well with the slogan "Just do it.", bringing new excitement and high sales profits for the brand. The feeling of belief and confidence that the slogan inspires is reflected in the logo, creating a great fit for the brand.

Good4trust is one of the great examples of human-based design. It has set out with the principle of trust, justice, transparency and peace. The platform that brings producers and buyers together is a platform that meets the needs of nature and environmentally friendly clean energy, without waste and poison. (https://good4trust.org/hakkimizda)

When we look at the story of the Pampers- Prima brand, an idea was carried out based on the basic needs of babies and has become one of the most successful diaper brands today. When we look at its story, we see that a woman named Victor Mills was tired of constantly changing her diaper while taking care of her grandson, and then a product idea born out of need was developed and today it has taken a step towards a world brand. The brand, which is not indifferent to the sensitivity of mothers who are sensitive about the hygiene of babies, has become the reliable brand of mothers by developing baby hygiene products for the sensitive skin of babies.

Tangle Teezer, perhaps one of the biggest problems of women's hair, has created a good product with different types of designs. It has designed a special product for this need for women who have many hairstyles such as curly, wavy, straight, tangling and tangling and also have the problem of breakage and shedding. The brand, which has realized a successful design work, has been approved for use by women with product sales and satisfaction.