FoMo: Do I have a decent life too?

This is a brief article about FoMo and how to stay away from it.

With the increasing amount of technology exposure, new issues have come into our lives. One of the most popular is FoMo: Fear of Missing Out.

As the name implies, it is being scared of feeling discluded. People use social media to share many things, but they also consume many things. They watch others' lives. They see what they do, where they go, whom they are with. However, they can only connect through social media. And many people forget social media is not real at all.

In social media, including me, people share what they find joyful. They do not share when they feel other emotions. Social media is a place for people to show that they are happy. Sometimes, to show that they are happier than others. Maybe even for some people, this may turn into a competition. This causes people to feel FoMo.

In order to prevent this feeling, people need to do real stuff. They need to do things for themselves not for social media. For example, when they read, they need to read because they want to, not because it will look good on their stories. When they watch a movie, go to a concert, or maybe just exist, they should do it for themselves. They need to realize that life is not about social media. Everybody has their own lives and own likes. Life is better when there are tons of unique individuals.

We should be thankful of our lives, and we should try to live better for ourselves. We all have different goals to achieve. Others living differently does not mean that our lives are worthless. Thank you for reading! Stay safe, and do not let social media harm your mental health.