Great Figures of the Restoration Period 

From Coffee-Houses to Classic Works: The Figures Who Defined the Restoration Period

With the Restoration Period, English literature underwent significant changes as society adapted to a new era under King Charles II. When Charles II took over the throne, he did great changes not only in literature but also in social life and culture. Especially in literature, there were massive changes. For example, coffee-houses, concert halls, pleasure gardens, lending libraries, picture exhibitions, shopping districts, and the theaters were opened. Restoration literature was affected by these innovations. Writers needed a new style and genre. Before the restoration period, the literature had more morals but in the restoration period, it turned out to be more immoral and feeling and imagination were mistrusted. Briefly, literature was like that in the restoration period. Some great figures led literature to improve.  

One of the great figures of the Restoration period is John Dryden. He was a man of his work. The literary theory was popular at that time. In this field, John Dryden was in the first place. He is the first great literary critic. Also, Dryden clearly stated himself as ‘classicist’. He was a poet, critic, translator, and playwright. He was so good that the period got here to be known as the Age of Dryden. With the revolution in science, philosophy became popular. The period was the start of the scientific age.

Another great figure is Thomas Hobbes. He was the greatest philosopher. His best-known work is “Leviathan” (1651). He was high-quality acknowledged for his political philosophy.

Another great figure of the restoration period is John Locke. He was an English philosopher whose works lie at the muse of the present day. His famous works are “An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” (1689) and “Two Treatises of Government” (1690). He was an inspirer of the European Enlightenment and Constitution of the United States.