How To Make an Emergency Earthquake Kit To Be Ready For Earthquakes

We are helpless against earthquakes, but we can be prepared by making a earthquake kit. But what should be included in our earthquake kit?

In the last week, a massive earthquake ripped through Turkey, destroying many buildings, and taking countless lives and this reminds us how crucial to have an earthquake kit ready in our homes. This earthquake kit must include crucial provisions like food, water, medical supplies, and many more. Let’s check out how to prepare a proper earthquake kit.

Food And Water

Including enough food and water enough for at least two days, and if possible some more to spare. Non-perishable foods such as canned foods and processed crackers or biscuits should be preferred. You should also consider including water-purifying tablets if you can.

Flashlight And Radio

Either a normal flashlight with spare batteries or a hand-cranked flashlight is important to have. Also, a radio, even if it's a smaller one, should be included in your emergency earthquake kit in case of emergency broadcasts you should listen to.

A solid first-aid kit

This is one of the most important things that should be in your earthquake kit. You can either buy a first aid kit online or make one yourself. Either way, a solid first-aid kit must include;

 bandages, needle and thread, scissors, antibiotic ointments or alcohol wipes, painkillers, dust masks, and gloves.

Other Important Supplies For Your Kit

You must also have copies of your important documents in your earthquake kit. This includes some cash in smaller bills, copies of your ID, and other documents.

After You Complete Forming Your Earthquake Kit

After you complete composing your earthquake kit, you must locate it in an accessible location in your house. You should also check the status of its ingredients. Water, canned food or medications may be expired, or the flashlight and radio may be broken so it is wise to check the status of your emergency earthquake kit once in a while.