Is It Possible To Die?: Quantum Immortality Theory

There are many universes.

Imagine that you are on a car. The driver hits the breaks in the last second. So, nothing happened. Maybe your heartbeat increased. But what if the driver actually had not hit the breaks and you had died? And you have been living another life. But you have never experienced death. You kept living in another universe. Let's talk about quantum immortality.

Before I begin, I want to remind you that this theory is not and cannot be proven. Lately, it has been popular on social media. So, I wanted to give you a brief explanation and some examples. It is surely interesting, yet it can be triggering.

Quantum Immortality is not a new theory, but recently I have started to come across it, all the time. Hugh Everett III came up with this theory in 1957. According to him, it is impossible for an individual to experience their own death, because their mind travels through another universe, where they are still alive. This does not mean that we are immortal. We are mortals in one universe, and then, our minds find another universe where we can continue to live. Everett finds this possible, because there are multiple universes, and we can always find a universe where we are alive.

Let's talk about Russian roulette. In this game, you have 2 options: either you die or stay alive. This theory suggests that even if you die, you will continue to exist in another universe. So you will not know whether you died or not. Basically, you are unconscious in the universe in which you die. But your consciousness goes to another universe.

Or imagine that you are suffering from a deadly disease. The chance of your recovery is low. Let's say that a very developed cancer cell. However, you somehow recover and stay alive. When you think scientifically, the possibility is low. So, you probably died. But you could not feel anything. You just woke up in another universe. But you have no clue about it. Because, according to Quantum Immortality, your mind just keeps seeking for a universe where you can continue to exist.

Some people are absolutely against this theory. Some people believe it with their hearts. I am not sure what to think, so I just gave you some brief information about it. It is really interesting. And the more you think, the more examples you can find.

This was all! I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Thank you for reading. See you again in this universe, I assume.