Minimalism and Simple Living: The Philosophy of Reducing and Consuming Less

In this article, we are going to talk about the philosophy behind minimalism and simple living.

Whether it is the fast-paced world or the consumerism and materialism prevalent these days, the trend of minimalist living and simplicity is gaining ground, but mostly as a way to find peace and satisfaction in a complex society. This lifestyle seeks to attain this value by minimizing physical possessions, clearing the mess in your living spaces, and simplifying our day-to-day habits. In this article, we are going to talk about the philosophy behind minimalism and simple living and how they can bring more fulfilment and meaning into our lives. 

What is Minimalism?

Minimalism is not only about clearing your physical environment but also a mentality, which quests you to live easily and with purpose. Through the act of owning fewer possessions, you will be able to create a mind and body-free space to focus on the things that you truly want to do. Minimalists tend to give worth to actual experiences rather than material things. Unluckily, real happiness does not come from the possession of countless trinkets.

Why Should You Embrace Minimalism?

The minimalist lifestyle can be a positive side of the road that leads to your improved well-being. By reducing the number of your commitments and minimizing distractions, the level of stress and anxiety will decrease. A clean home can lead to a purer mind, more productivity, and a better feeling of peace. Minimalism too nurtures the concept of feeling grateful and contented with what you have rather than longing for new things that keep coming up. 

The Art of Simple Living

Simple living is an essential part of minimalism, which is based on the principle of life deliberately and intentionally. This way of life even forces you to quit rushing, take time to enjoy the moment and appreciate earthly moments. By reducing habits to a carry-on, and staying more conscious in daily choices, you ensure there is some inner calm and peace. 

Practical Tips for Embracing Minimalism and Simple Living

1- Begin by clearing up your living space and removing those items which no longer serve any purpose and which do not evoke pleasure. 

2- Make a point of choosing quality over quantity whenever possible and always remember the sustainability ramifications of your choices. 

3- Streamline your daily routines through the creation of a minimalist wardrobe, meal planning, and the practice of mindfulness. 

4- Try to practice digital minimalism by limiting your screen time, organizing the digital devices, and occupying yourself with real-life relationships. 

The Impact of Minimalism on Mental Health

Minimalism and simple living have been shown by research to be beneficial to mental health. This can help lower stress levels and improve general well-being by removing physical clutter and simplifying the scenery around you. It also facilitates a peaceful mind, increased concentration, greater peace of mind or tranquillity of spirit as one chooses to live with less in this materialistic life.


Finally, the option of simple living and minimalism provides renewed insights about the way to live a more purposeful and fuller life. This can make you have peace and contentment in a world that is becoming more busy and disordered by minimizing material possessions, simplifying daily routines as well as focusing on what matters most. Minimalism is not about denial; rather, it is being able to define joy in your life and prioritize your goals. Therefore, why not make today the beginning of a minimalist lifestyle?


  • Becker, Joshua. "The More of Less: Finding the Life You Want Under Everything You Own." WaterBrook, 2016.
  • Sasaki, Fumio. "Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism." W. W. Norton & Company, 2017.