Museums around the World: The State Hermitage

An enchanting museum with details...

A museum dates back to so early times and one of the biggest museums in the world is in St. Petersburg, Russia. That museum is known as the second-largest museum with a gallery space. With the picture of the museum, we can understand how large this museum is. Like other museums, this one has unique masterpieces inside, too. From Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci to Rembrandt and Claude Monet... great artists' paintings are exhibited there.

The first artist who l want to look at is Claude Monet. His work which is called"Woman in the Garden" is exhibited in this museum. Because this museum is quite big, it can be difficult to find it directly so as far as my research showed me it is in room 403. Very lovely and peaceful painting. With the details of the painting, we can feel like we are in this garden.

The other painting is" The Lute Player" by Caravaggio. Because l mentioned him in my other articles, l will only put his painting, not the details about Caravaggio. So, if you are curious about him, you can read my article in which Caravaggio was mentioned. This painting got some restoration after it is done. As to me, that looks so artistic, realistic, and very emotive.

The last one is the Italian Renaissance artist Raphael. The name of the painting is"Conestabile Madonna". That painting is a small one and it is thought an unfinished work of art. That painting is exhibited in the Hermitage Museum. It can be understood from the painting that she is holding the baby and the impression of her seems like she is desperate or hopeless at least to me. The baby is looking at the book which can be the bible. But in the other version of the painting, it is said that she is not holding a book, she is holding a fruit. The sadness of the woman can come from thinking about Jesus to crucified.

Like l said in other museums, this is also a great museum to be visited. That can be an amazing and mesmerizing experience for art lovers.