Nietzche and Forming Own Value Judgments

Nietzsche's view of value judgments through the book Also Spoke Zarathustra

Nietzsche opposes all kinds of knowledge, traditions, and beliefs that are not thought about and questioned. Beliefs that were accepted just because the old generations adopted these religions and thought systems had ended in Nietzche’s philosophy. So, in Nietzsche's words, "God is dead and we killed him." Here, it actually expresses the invalidity of God's laws and thought systems. So, how will value judgments be shaped after the death of God? Nietzsche states that people should produce their own value judgments; he thinks that people should be their own judges. Nietzsche called the people who formed their own value judgments Übermensch, and those who still obey old traditions and beliefs the herd, and he described himself as a guide to reach the Übermensch."

Also, Sprach Zarathustra expresses these thoughts in his book:

"Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman — a rope over an abyss."

“He who wishes to be the creator of good and evil must first be a destroyer and shatter values.”

"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?

As a writer, my view of Nietzsche is sometimes too rigid and abstract, but his philosophy fosters important perspectives. As a result, we should question them and weed out the illogical ones, instead of continuing those thoughts and traditions just because people before us accepted them. Thus, we can create our own value judgments that are reasonable and logical in our own way.