Poetry and Emily Dickinson

A writer who has a deep affection for death...

I am nobody! Who are you?

Imagine a writer who concreted with death by writing a lot of poems about it and this writer is Emily Dickinson who was born in 1836 and raised in Massachusetts, America. Dickinson was quite an interesting writer of the world of letters. She had always been good at writing and very passionate about it. She wrote a lot of poems. She always loved to be alone so she used to stay in her room, write poems, and just spend her time without anyone’s companionship. When it is taken into account, we can tell why she has never married in her life.

I always feel close to her but at the same time very distant… ln a way she is as fresh as a daisy l feel the same, l feel fully energetic but in another way, she loves to be alone which is opposite of me because l cannot stand being alone. Maybe she just did not feel close to anyone around her, or maybe she thought nobody understood her, we cannot be so sure about why she loved to be alone but there is one thing that we can be hundred percent sure about is that she created numerous incredible poems. She lived beyond her time and we still love to read her poems and get great joy from them.

When we look at her poems, we could be very amazed because she wrote almost 1800 poems, and how incredible it is, right? Now, l want to take some stanzas from one of the best poems that she has in my opinion which is called” Because l could not stop for death” and l want to share my thoughts about this poem.

 Because I could not stop for Death

 He kindly stopped for me

 The Carriage held but just Ourselves

 And Immortality

 We slowly drove – He knew no haste

 And I had put away

 My labor and my leisure too,

 For His Civility

As soon as l read this poem, l felt amazed by these words. She thinks and shows “death” as if it is a person and she is emphasizing that he (death) kindly stopped for her and she is not afraid of death unlike it, she is fascinated by death moreover, she is not scared of dying when the carriage takes her to death. On the contrary, she seems or sounds willing to die. Death was not a cold feeling to her, death was so warm that she felt as if it is her friend and he companied her gently to eternity. 

After that, the intriguing and exciting poem, the other poem that l love is called “I’m nobody! Who are you?” firstly l will write the poem and then my comments about it.

 I’m Nobody! Who are you?

 Are you – Nobody – too?

 Then there’s a pair of us!

 Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

 How dreary – to be – Somebody!

 How public – like a Frog –

 To tell one’s name – the livelong June –

 To an admiring Bog!

When l read this poem, l felt how lonely she is and how much she likes to be alone. As to her, being alone is so much better to be “someone”. She says like if you are also nobody, we can be nobodies together but without telling people. She loves to be far from people and we see that she feels pity for the people who pretend like somebody else. Eventually, she stays alone until she dies by enriching the literature world with her poems. I could highly recommend poem lovers to read her poems and learn more about her and l would like to end my writing with some of her other poems name:

Hope is the Thing with Feathers

Success is Coundest Sweetest

I Heard a Fly Buzz -When I Died

A Bird Came Down the Walk