Reading Fiction And Escaping Reality

Finding a piece of ourselves in non-existent worlds...

Reading is one of the most effective ways to take a step back from the overwhelming nature of our daily lives. When we read, we can feel like we are being transported to distant lands where the impossible becomes possible. This journey of the mind gives us the opportunity to take a break from the cycle of overthinking brought on by life's worries.

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Our mood actually plays a decisive role in choosing the book we want to read. For instance, if we’re dealing with heartbreak and a longing for connection, a romance book could become our preferred choice.

A Safe Place

Facing our thoughts, overcoming the things we've never shared with anyone, and accepting ourselves as we are —these are not easy tasks. Reading fiction provides a unique opportunity to “feel” and opens a door to our emotions without the fear of judgment. When we read, we consciously or unconsciously identify with at least one of the characters in the book. With that, we can “see” ourselves on a different, perhaps even more authentic level.

It’s no secret that as people, we tend to be our own harshest critics. We often avoid sharing our feelings and thoughts with others because we fear judgment, but in reality, we are the ones who judge ourselves most severely. At this point, observing ourselves through the lens of fictional characters with whom we identify allows us to perceive the true “us” in a gentler, more compassionate light. The fact that we feel like we really “belong” to that fictional world, gives our mind an unusual but also a peaceful level of comfort during reading. This is why we typically find it hard to put a book down. The safe atmosphere between our minds and the fictional world grants us permission to feel and think on a level that we usually deny ourselves. In a way, we can refer to this situation as “escaping from reality” or even “escaping from the real me.”