Reading Slump

To all the survivors of the reading slump.

"I'll read 50 books this summer!"

"I'll get back to reading!"

"I used to finish a novel in one sitting!"

"I'll stop scrolling!"

Sounds familiar? Congratulations! You have been suffering from a reading slump!

One lazy evening you put your book away saying that you'll get back to it tomorrow, but that tomorrow never came, tomorrow is not available. Ah... Reading slump, that dreaded reading slump. It causes you nightmares only to think about the untouched pile of books waiting for you to be discovered.

But is there a way to recover from the psychological damage caused by the horrors of reading slump? I actually don't know. Maybe try to ignore the lights coming from your favorite TV shows. Try re-reading your favorite books but don't wait for the right mood to start reading because you have to create that mood. Maybe you can try out the highly recommended books? Or try to find similar ones to your favorites?

Is there hope after the horrors? Certainly! Try out these steps but if they all fail I know that you've started binge-watching one of the longest running TV series!!!