The Invasion

If you love a thriller with an epidemic, this movie could be for you!

"The Invasion" (2007), starring Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig, offers a contemporary twist on the classic alien invasion narrative. In this rendition, Kidman plays Dr. Carol Bennell, a psychiatrist who uncovers a rapidly spreading alien epidemic that alters human behavior. Her son, immune to the alien virus, becomes central to her struggle for survival and the key to stopping the global takeover.

The film begins with a mysterious space shuttle crash, setting the stage for an unsettling discovery: alien spores that begin to infect the population. Kidman's performance as Bennell is commendable; she convincingly portrays a mother torn between her professional instincts and her primal urge to protect her child. Daniel Craig, as her ally and love interest, supports the narrative but needs to be more utilized, leaving his character somewhat undeveloped.

Daniel Craig as Ben Driscoll, Nicole Kidman as Carol Bennell, Jeffrey Wright as Dr. Galeano, The Invasion (2007)

One notable scene is the chaotic transformation of a party as guests succumb to the alien influence. The terror of the invasion is palpable, yet the sequence feels rushed, diluting the suspense. The cinematography in these scenes, though aesthetically pleasing, struggles to compensate for the film's overall pacing issues.


The action sequences, particularly the chase scene through an overrun hospital, aim to inject adrenaline but instead come off as contrived, failing to add genuine tension. The film’s climax, involving a solution found in the immunity of Bennell's son, is predictably executed and lacks the emotional depth that could have made it more impactful.

While "The Invasion" attempts to blend thriller and action elements with a psychological exploration of identity and humanity under siege, it falls short due to its disjointed plot and lackluster pacing. The intriguing premise is there, but the movie never fully explores the potential of its setup, resulting in a film that delivers some excitement but ultimately remains unmemorable.