The Restoration Period: Literature and Social Transformation

Dive into the world of the Restoration Period, where reopened theaters, comedies, and groundbreaking poetry reshaped English literature.

Restoration Period is a very short period which lasts from 1660 to 1688. Its name “Restoration” comes from Charles II who marks the restoration of the traditional English monarchical form of government. In this period, many important literature developments happened. The restoration of Charles II influenced the literature which was written in the 17th century.

We need to understand social and political events that happened during the Restoration Period because the progress affected literature. Because of the political events of the previous decades, English people were greatly influenced. It ended up with the English Civil War that lasted from 1642 to 1651. After the war, Charles II became the king and he started to restore the English monarchy. What Charles II did in this period had very important effects in the literature.

Literature in this period was often a tool for the advancement of knowledge and the writers mainly focused on literary theory. They began to embark on a quest for new techniques and a new kind of taste in literature. Writers were so interested in the drama that went on in society and their social life that it was one of the main themes in Restoration literature.  

One of the most important events we should know about is the reopening of the theaters The Puritans had closed the theaters before the Restoration Period. The king reopened them. When theaters were reopened, people showed interest in plays. The most liked theater genre was comedies. There are many important comedy writers. Some of them are William Wycherley, Aphra Behn, and George Farquhar. Also, we can give an example of William Congreve’s “The Way of The World”. It is a perfect example of Restoration comedy. We need to know about the term ‘Comedy of Manners’. It is one of the important characteristics of the period. It is a theatrical genre that was for the upper class. These comedies were about illegal love, obscenity, and sexual love. They encouraged immoral behavior in plays. Characters are types and dialogue is witty and brilliant. It was very popular among people because it made fun of everyone.  

Another important event that occurred during the Restoration period is the introduction of women players. With the Restoration, women players could take part in the theater. Apart from comedies, poetry was on the rise in Restoration literature. It was very important and writers evolved it as they did in comedy. They created new styles. The leading name of Poetry is John Dryden. He gave poetry a new look. He used "Satire" in Restoration literature. With satire, he could easily pick on people. John Dryden’s “Mac Flecknoe” is an example of satire. It is also an example of “mock-heroic” poetry. John Dryden also used “Heroic Couplet” which is another characteristic of restoration literature. It is two lines of verse. He used it in his poem called “To His Sacred Majesty: A Panegyric on His Coronation”

When Charles II died, his brother whose name is James II took over the throne. After he took over, William II took over the throne from James II in 1689. It is called the “Glorious Revolution”. Many people think that the displacement of James II is the end of the Restoration Period.