The Right To Talk

Let's talk about talking for a bit.

Talking was one of the first skills we had when we were babies. It is probably the easiest skill. You just say the things that come to mind. From the early ages, new languages were created in society. People needed to communicate, and they found many languages. They understood each other. And talking became a skill that we do not think about that often.

Throughout our lives, we have learned to talk about anything. We get hungry, and we talk about it. We get angry, and we talk about it. We visit somewhere, and we talk about it. We listen to music and talk about it. We express our feelings by talking. It is easy, and only knowing one language is more than enough.

But do we ever think about the right to talk?

Let me give you an example. Ever since we had social media, sharing has become easy! We just signed up for a social media platform. Then we share! Sometimes we share a picture we take. Sometimes we share a movie we love. Sometimes a book we read and enjoy. Sometimes our feelings. We keep talking and talking. Oversharing has become a habit of ours because it has turned out to be really widespread!

When we visit a nice place, we immediately take out our phones to share it. When we listen to a new album, we post it on our story and share what we think.

Surely, it is fun. But sometimes, overly expressing our feelings and talking about them online can cause to cross our boundaries.

There are 3 important topics I want to focus on about the right to talk.

The first one is that the more we share, the more vulnerable we get. Let's remember a bad day we had. That day, we needed someone to dump our bad experience on. Then, we took our phones and posted about our thoughts. Surely, we relaxed. And I am pretty sure someone out there related to your thoughts. But, also, you got really vulnerable. Many people learn what makes you sad. Many people learned how they can break your heart. Also, many people think that you can get easily sad when compared to others. This does not mean there are evil people out there trying to hurt you, but there may be. Sharing that much may help us feel better, but we should think about whom we share with.

The second one is that we can get more and more confident when talking about our thoughts. I know it sounds wonderful. Well, it is not, because sometimes this right may hurt others. For example, the new generation created a culture called cancel culture. In this culture, if a celebrity does something wrong, according to them, they should be cancelled. It does not matter if they learn later or if they apologize. Because this generation has no mercy for the people who make mistakes! But we are humans. Even celebrities are humans. Cancelling them when they try to learn is cruel. With this cancelling culture, we search for the mistakes of celebrities. When they do something, we talk about them for at least a week. And then we even attack their families, friends, etc.

And the last and third one is that, if you can cancel someone, you can get cancelled too. You do not even have to be cancelled. When we are on our computers, we do not realize that what we comment on can actually hurt a person. We tend to be more brave and harsh toward others. When we excessively believe we have the right to talk, we can become the judges. And this will hurt both parties. The commentator will believe that they are superior, and they will not hesitate to break others' hearts. The person who received those comments will believe that they are inferior, and they will get more insecure.

How are we going to solve this problem then?

Maybe we can start with being kind. Even though we do not know people's real intentions on social media, we can still believe that they have good ones. I am not encouraging you to share your personal information with people because they are trustworthy. Instead, I am trying to encourage you to realize that there are some ethical rules we should follow. Commenting on someone's weight may cause them to have eating disorders. Commenting on someone about the way their face looks may cause them to go under surgery to make them love themselves. This list can go on.

The thing that can stop is our rude comments and cancelling people the second they say something we do not find right. Let's take a moment here and acknowledge that everyone has their own ideas about what is right. And, as long as people respect each other's ideas, the world can be a better place to live! Diversity is always more entertaining than a boring truth.

I hope you found this topic interesting and that it made you realize something! If you already realized it before me, you are a gem! Thank you for spending your time on my blog. See you!