The Situation Before the World War I

The power struggle among the European countries caused a world war.

The Treaty of the Westphalia made the sovereignty of nation-states a basic principle. The French Revolution triggered nationalist movements. European Harmony, which emerged with the Vienna Congress, created a suitable basis for international cooperation. After 1815, there was no general war in Europe. Although the reason behind World War I was Austria-Hungary's desire to punish Serbia, the main reasons for the war were alliances, imperialism, militarism, and nationalism. International politics is shaped by colonialism, imperialism, and industrialism.

No great state wanted big war but the international situation, which was increasingly out of control, made war inevitable. Europe was divided into two blocs. Britain and France were economically superior thanks to industry and colonialism. Then, America, Germany, and Japan joined imperialist powers. Power competition became global. While America spread in the Pacific, Japan started to be hegemonic in Asia. China could not modernize. Japanese aggression worried Russia. Japan had defeated Russia, one of Europe's five great powers. Japan was reducing the Russian threat to Britain. Japan was part of the Entente. America kept away from Europe on the grounds of the Monroe Doctrine. Bismarck had isolated France while establishing German unity. While Germany was getting stronger, France was losing its power. After the Prussian victory of 1871, Bismarck ensured that the status quo was maintained. The problems between Germany and France were long-lasting. Germany had annexed France's, Alsace Lorraine. Austria-Hungary was necessary for Germany to maintain its internal political balance. Italy was to leave the Alliance. Slavs were trying to separate from empires and establish independent states. The revolts in the Balkans were affecting Austria-Hungary negatively. Russia led Slavic communities in the Balkans. Germany was a neighbor of Austria-Hungary, and Germany supported Austria-Hungary, Russia stood by Serbia. Russia was poor, underdeveloped, and had vast lands but a large population. Germany was sure that France would fight on the Russian side. Therefore, Germany made detailed plans for the two frontiers in the framework of war. Preparing to attack France, Germany demanded Belgium use its territory. Despite Britain's warnings, Germany entered Belgium. And the war of the Europeans has begun. But Britain wasn't expected to be on the French side. Russia and Britain were always in conflict. There would be no permanent partnership with either country. But fear of Germany also encouraged France to make "Triple Entente" with Russia and Britain. The structure of alliances had changed. As a result of developments in military technologies, states entered the arms race. Competition between states made war preparations expensive. America had invested a lot in the war industry. Germany invested in the navy to seize the global power that belonged to Britain. German ships could restrict the movements of the British navy. It could even make it impossible to control British sea routes. Britain spent too much since it controls so many places like India. Germans invented chemical weapons and submarines. The British developed tanks. Both blocks used planes. The German military mechanism was superior to others. German competition was feared. War, capitalism, and politics rose together. It was the international situation that forced countries to take up arms.

The domestic policies of the great powers affected their foreign policies. Problems within the country were combined with problems outside the country. Russia, which was in danger of revolution after 1905, Austria-Hungary who could not maintain political control and Germany gave importance to nationalism and military power. France had given up the defense against Germany. Socialists and workers were against the war. People were sympathetic to the idea of dying for the homeland. Compulsory military service became the rule in many countries. Military service was used to turn a peasant into a patriotic citizen. War was seen by the people as salvation. To Italy and Germany, nationalism was positive, but empires were negatively affected.

Europeans were industrializing as they multiplied simultaneously. With the development of capitalism, competition between states increased imperialist expansion. International hostility was shaped by competition. Countries were not separated ideologically. Britain was not the economic center of the world. The interests of countries were in conflict with markets and colonies for natural resources. Unlike previous wars, it was launched to achieve unrestricted results. As Germany and America industrialized very rapidly, they gained importance in world politics and the economy. Grand powers didn't want to share the market to expand and the raw materials to be exploited with Italy and Germany. New countries wanted to get as much share from the colonies as possible. Britain, France and Russia wanted to share Ottoman among them. Japan and America attended congresses for West Africa. France and Britain wanted to maintain the status quo, but Germany wanted to be imperialist power. Especially oil in Middle East made region more important for England. After 1905 Revolution, Tsarism was weakened. In exchange for Britain's backing of France's claim to Morocco, France renounced its rights over Egypt. They partnered with an imperialist treaty. Italy seized Libya.

Finally, this war had a sum of zero. Struggles for power among European empires caused a world war. Countries industrialized for their colonial desires and increased their military power. The alliances formed became permanent and peoples' feelings of patriotism inevitably led them to war.