The Therapy of Cooking

Cooking may appear as a routine task; however, it has many benefits you may not be aware of.

Cooking doesn't come easily for many, and it certainly isn't seen as a way to unwind. For most, it is a dreary task that has to be done in order to sustain one's self, yet, if one could manage to see it as more than a task, cooking holds many psychological benefits that could help with one's daily routine.

Firstly, cooking can be a way for one to practice discipline and apply it to various aspects of one's life. Cooking allows one to be organized, following the steps of a recipe and preparing the ingredients the way they were instructed can help with following a rhythm in one's work and thinking strategically. Moreover, it helps with practicing patience, cooking requires patience throughout the entire process, from preparing the ingredients, to waiting for the pot to boil, cooking can allow one to harness this virtuous trait, and make it seep into other parts of one's life.

More to the point, the benefits of cooking extend beyond discipline; it also benefits mental health. Cooking can act as a form of mindfulness, allowing you to slow down and take a break, providing an escape from the tedium of everyday life, because there will always be new recipes to try out. It also allows for exercising one's creativity through experimenting with new cuisines, spice palettes, and recipes. A study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, in 2016, shows that people who engage in creative activities, such as drawing, writing, or cooking, lead happier lives.

Aside from the benefits cooking can have for the individual, cooking with others can have many benefits regarding communication and teamwork, it allows for a sense of community to arise, by working towards a common goal.

To sum up, cooking at home has many obvious benefits, from the ability to eat healthier, to saving money. Yet, the psychological benefits, of which it has many are often overlooked. So, next time you're making dinner, remember that it can just be a task you have to do, or you could turn it into a beneficial experience with delicious results.