What does make better people communication skills?

I gave brief information about what we need to know to make better our communication skills.

Communication has a significant role in our lives. it bonds our feeling in the same way. Nowadays, I have a problem with some mistakes people do so, so I wanted to share this with you this topic and maybe we have a common matter.

First of all, people are not waiting for themselves while someone is speaking. Communication phenomenon is based on mutual activities. For example, firstly she/he speaks, when his/her words are done, another one can start speaking or whatever they say after. I believe this is so important for keeping the conversation kind for years.

The second mistake which people continue to do is not focusing on talking to the other person. For instance, they look at a nonsense object at that moment such as birds, flying simultaneously in the air, or another person, and they have nothing to do with them, etc. this list can get longer. But looking at your partner while she/he speaking is means that I am listening and caring about you in psychology. Making eye contact and just focusing on what she/he is about speaking -without interrupting his/her sentences- is enough to comprehend the conversation and strengthen it.

On the other hand, the understanding of the difference between kindness and a fake smile carries a critical point when people try to be sincere. Kindness comes from the heart and it's about your inside so, every look to anyone reflects our character or behaviors that work personally.