What Happened to the "Youngs"?

This article is about why there are differences between the younger generations of earlier and now.

As a young woman in the 2020s, I have noticed something. When I was smaller, girls my age used to be a lot bigger. But I do not feel that way. Is it because I have fewer responsibilities, or because of technology or the pandemic? I do not know the exact reason, but because of something, the young generation clearly changed. I will talk about my thoughts on this subject. I hope you have fun!

When I was eager to grow up, young adults used to have so much fun. I remember them going to the festivals, partying, and having the time of their lives. However, by the time I turned 20, I realised that this was not the case anymore. I am not even talking about the partying. Being and staying safe on the streets is not easy anymore. Having fun seems tough now. I think there are some reasons related to this issue of less fun in my generation.


I think it is impossible to ignore the pros and cons of technology in my generation. When I was a kid, I used to go out a lot because technology had not affected me that much. However, the more I grow up, the more I become dependent on technology. It helps us in our work more than the older generations. Also, more basic communication is a great advantage. However, this online communication and making many things easier might cause a problem. That is laziness. As we have fun online, we do not feel the need to go out anymore. Many of my friends from my generation prefer to stay home because they can have fun thanks to their computers or phones.

Also, as we were the first generation that was exposed to technology, there were not many boundaries for us. We learned many things on the internet, maybe even before our parents did. There were not enough restrictions in my generation because many people were not aware of the dangers technology may bring. Because of this, people got more and more addicted and dependent.


The pandemic stayed long enough to affect our lives and psychology. During the pandemic, people lost their loved ones or were infected. We were not allowed to go out for at least a year. Some kids were born into the pandemic; some kids needed to go out to learn how to make new friends. Teenagers needed to go to their high schools to live their lives. However, that was not possible. People stayed in their houses and took online classes. However, that was not enough. Their social skills were damaged. Some people developed anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or many other mental issues. Of course, the older generation was affected too. But the young generation was not lucky enough to live in middle school, high school, or college.

As the younger generation got used to staying in their rooms, life after the pandemic was not easy for them. Some found the pandemic traumatic, or some were not affected a lot. But, many were still affected. And some effects still continue. The younger generation feels more safe in their house because this was taught to them during the pandemic.


The more powerful a country, the more powerful its economy. The economy is a way of showing power now. As the world is basically capitalist, everything works according to that. Money is the power now. Countries need money to prove a healthy, happy life and high well-being. However, this economy can be affected by anything. For example, the country that has the most developed technological devices is a powerful country. And, if they have order in their system, they can control the affects of the pandemic in an economic way. Basically, the economy of the country would not be affected by those two.

However, all countries were affected by the inflation the pandemic caused. Some were affected more, and some were affected less. The young population of the affected countries were not lucky enough. When the economy gets bad in a country, people first sacrifice their social needs to fulfill their human needs. In a country like that, a teenager would not think going to parties would be fair. Because, if they prefer partying, they will stay hungry. Because everything will be expensive. To spend less money, they will prefer staying home. They try to find activities they can do with less money.

There are absolutely many other things that affect the younger generation. However, I believe these have the most influence on the younger generation. Just because they experienced many things, and witnessed many global issues, this does not mean they are the faulty ones. If you are one of the members of the younger generations and do not feel young enough, do not blame yourself. Do not feel afraid to seek for help if that is what you need. But, you are not alone. The younger generations carry the burden of technology, pandemic, and the economic situations of their countries.

I hope I was able to understand you for a bit. I ama member of Gen Z, and I feel these problems deeply. See you in my next blog! Thank you for reading!