What You Can Do Against Climate Change

Climate change is a major threat that our world is face-to-face with. In this blog, you can learn some actions that you can take against it.

Global warming and climate change are some of the main concerns of many people in the modern world because scientists do not predict a clear future for especially young generation. We might not have clean water to drink, fresh air to breathe in, and safe food to eat in the close future. Furthermore, all of these might lead to unbearable hot weather in summer and freezing cold weather in winter. However, there are some actions that we can take against climate change before it is too late.

1. Joining clean-up activities in your city

A clean environment means clean water, clean air, and high quality of life. Right now there are many organizations that are concerned with climate change and they organize clean-up activities in almost every part of the world. You can find an event close to where you live so that you can save energy to go somewhere far and do something beneficial both for yourself and for the world. Even if there are not any clean-up activities nearby, you can supply your own necessary equipment to go somewhere dirty where you have observed beforehand to clean there. Another option is to be the one who can make a change and organize a clean-up event in your neighborhood!

2. Avoid using packaged foods

Of course, many people know that overproducing of plastic is one of the main nemeses of a clean environment. Especially in countries such as the US, packaged foods are very common and preferred by many people because they are easier to consume, tastier, and give people the pleasure to open something new. However, there is no need to package a fruit that already protects itself from dirt by having a peel, like a banana or a pineapple. You can start by refusing to buy this kind of packaged food. Making your own meals and even some ingredients at home also reduces plastic consumption. Besides, I can assure you that they will taste much better.

3. Owning a refillable water bottle

When you go outside, it is a must to have some water with you which makes you buy at least one bottle of water. Imagine each person doing the same thing whenever they go out. Yes, it is a lot of plastic consumption that will end up in the trash immediately after, not to mention the money spent on it. Instead, you can invest in a refillable water bottle only once and use it for at least three years whenever you go out. It will not only reduce your plastic footprint dramatically but also save you money. The fun thing is that you can personalize your bottle by decorating it anyway you want!

4. Being educated and raising awareness

Last but not least you should read, learn, and apply. Especially in this technology era, there is a lot of misinformation on global warming and climate change issues which might mislead you or your friends, family, etc. There are many scientific research and articles which are scholarly accepted on these subjects. You can easily find them on websites such as Google Scholar or JStor. Besides, never be afraid to inform other people around you and speak up about your concerns on this problem. This way, solutions can be reached. :)

Of course, there are many more actions that you can take against climate action, but these are some of the easiest yet effective things you can do as an individual. Also, never forget that being aware is the first and the most important step to take against a threat, and be proud that you have taken this step!