Why Do We Associate Flowers with Human Emotions?

Let's examine how emotions are reflected with flowers.

People have always had a tendency to make an image look like something else. These analogies start in childhood and are a way of perceiving objects. Comparing clouds to cotton candy and walnuts to the human brain is one of several examples. To understand the unknown and complex, we compare it with what we have learned. 

Emotions are more difficult to liken to an object. What it evokes in us varies from person to person. Although it is difficult, people tend to express their feelings with flowers. The colors and shapes of flowers can lead people to familiar feelings. Some flowers give people comfort because they have a soft texture, while thorny flowers can make people feel uncomfortable. Aesthetically pleasing flowers can be a trigger for people's desire for emotional experiences. An example of such a triggering flower is the red rose. The triggering element of the red rose, known by almost everyone to represent love, is its color. Since red is a vibrant color, it evokes exciting emotions in people. Also a person's personal experience and culture can be part of the emotions they project onto flowers. The religions and mythological stories that people are influenced by are also important factors in determining the meaning of flowers. 

Considering the growing conditions in the flowers' environment, each flower has different resistances. People who are aware of these conditions can associate flowers with different emotions. For example, if we look at the environment in which the white lotus grows, it is very delicate. Growing up in a sensitive environment can symbolize kindness in people, while the color white can symbolize innocence and purity. Are there any flowers that symbolize something specific for you? If there is such a flower, why does it symbolize something specific for you?