Why Do We Write?

From caves to laptops, obviously the content of the writings have been changed. However the action, writing, stands still.

Humankind has been writing for more than 5000 years. From caves to laptops, obviously the content of the writings have been changed. However, the action itself, writing, stands still. But why do we still have desire to express ourselves after this many years when already millions of pieces have been published? Haven't we already said, or wrote in this situation, everything there is left to say? Is there still something to add or do we repeat the same feelings and ideas over and over again?

The author of the popular novel "Normal People", Sally Rooney believes that she has a duty to write. Glad she had that feeling, now we are able to read ordinary people, or ordinary events with curiosity and impatience. But why? Why do we wait for her next book? Is it beacuse she is the first author who wrote about complicated relationships? Is she the first person who treated misscommunication? Couldn't a person walking on the street also write about two people who cannot be together? Apparently not. In fact, they could, but it couldn't have been same as Sally Rooney's way of writing.

Writing is the author's fingerprint. That is why ChatGPT almost always fails students. Because ChatGPT's additions scream "I do not belong here!". Professors do not recognize ChatGPT because the student is not clever or gifted enough to write such a paragraph, it is beacuse the tone is different. That is why, the person on the street and Sally Rooney will be writing two different stories with a relationship of two different people with the same content.

It is correct that we will hardly be reading something new for the "first time". However, whenever a new person tells the story with their own words and ideas, it will be new. Even though they treat the same issue over and over again it will be different. That is why we write. And that is why literature will never die. It will be renewed, reused, retreated, but never be the same.