Why Don't People Try to Make an Effort? 

Making an effort is very important for both people and relationships. So why do people avoid making an effort?

Everyone is surrounded by people who avoid making an effort, who expect things to happen randomly. Why do these people behave like this? Is it because they want it to happen like this, or is there something serious behind it? Is postponing things, or losing chances, a solution for this situation? Even people who are aware of these things tend to avoid situations that require effort. But, why?

When we look at the reasons, we see that there may be more than one reason:

1) Uncertainty: People don't want to make any effort when they feel uncertainty, and feel like they can't reach a conclusion. What they don't realize is that without effort, the uncertainty will persist. They keep coming and going in the same circles without starting anything to achieve a result. All they do is think, and try to get things done, but without action there is no result. 

2) Making Mistakes: You cannot gain experience without making mistakes. People do not always have to act correctly. People who are afraid of making mistakes stop themselves from trying. 

3) Negative Experiences: Previous bad experiences not only discourage people from trying, but also make them think that even if they try, they will get the same negative result. It is also important to remember that good experiences can be seen when trying.

4) Familiar Feelings and Environments: People don't want to disturb their comfort by pursuing feelings and events that are foreign to them. The unfamiliar is always frightening. Putting an effort into unfamiliar situations can sometimes be challenging.

Although it is difficult to cross unknown paths, experiencing new things, getting out of your comfort zone and making an effort give great rewards. Nothing happens without effort. Don't be afraid to try and remember to be there for people who are trying!