Writer's Block

Writer's block at its best

The sudden moment of zoning out of the present and out of your paper. Writer's block is a term used for the inability to process writing or create a piece of work that you are satisfied with.

From a blogger to a journalist every writer has faced writer's block at least once in their life as a writer. Let alone stressing out while concluding a sentence, it causes you to just stare at the blank paper for minutes until giving up on what your mind was trying to create.

This feeling of unbearable stuckness troubles writers, and stems from a variety of reasons. Anxiety is one of the common core reasons for writer's block; and it follows a bunch of questions such as:

Am I enough?

Are people going to read it?

Can I really write?

Am I adequate at delivering and conveying messages?

And a lot more that I don't include to not trigger you.

Perfectionism is also a burden that a writer carries and reveals when struggling with writer's block. Perfectionism paves the way for a variety of problems, including low self-esteem and hatred towards your own pen, which again stems from the urge to perform the best and feel enough to pursue writing.

So, I really don't know if there is a solution to this problem but all I know is that this is ruining your day once it kicks you in the face. Today is one of those days for me as you can understand from the word choices that I make. Thanks for reading, hope to recover soon.