Beauty and Youth as a Curse

One must be careful about what they wish for, a blessing may become a curse.

What we call a ''grace'' may be a ''curse'' when the time comes, and what we call a ''curse'' may be a ''wish'' for the ones who feel its deprivation. I am talking about beauty; a situation of being that forms joy, affection, love, and adoration but also envy and hatred for the other; attitude, comfort but also hubris and fear of losing for the owner. I am talking about Dorian Gray who was likened to Narcissus and Paris by Oscar Wilde in his book ''The Picture of Dorian Gray''. Dorian Gray was a young man adored by his entourage and social circle thanks to his appearance. There were many good-looking people, yet none of them was as captivating as Dorian. He became an aesthetic and artistic tool for his painter friend Basil. Dorian had a moment of realization (epiphany) when he faced his portrait. He was like Narcissus staring at his reflection on the lake.

Every social thing, and many more, that a human desire was served to him on a silver plate thanks to his youth and beauty. It was that moment when his beauty and youth were about to be no longer a blessing but a curse. He deeply wished for something from his heart that I can call this a request from Satan. He wished for something that challenged nature and the being of humans, he wished for the devil's work. He wanted to keep his beauty and youth forever. At first, it doesn't sound that malicious but the results don't show the same. Wishing to be the only young and charming one where the others carry the tiredness in their wrinkles is not innocent at all yet it is understandable. What he wished was accepted, he was not going to age so that he could keep his beauty but on the other hand all of his sins, ugliness, and age were going to be reflected by his portrait.

What I call ''understandable'' in Dorian's wish is the motivation behind this. Dorian's sense of identity was linked to his beauty and youth. Keeping this was equal to keeping the affection, respect, and interest he achieved. While others were trying to impress people with their words, works, art, money, intelligence, and more Dorian showing his pretty face was enough to get all attention. He had love, admiration, and respect. He had the joy of his existence and the feeling of ''being''. He was not that aware of this until the reactions and compliments of people around him. He got fascinated by the views of others on him with no effort he reached a point that many individuals work for. This was the power of beauty in society, with this power he lost control and with the manipulation of his friend Lord Henry, he lived his life with earthly pleasures. With the acceptance of his request, he witnessed everyone around him getting old and he kept his portrait (sins) as a secret. Even though he enjoyed the offerings of beauty he experienced anxiety, fear, and obsession because of his secret. He put lots of effort into hiding his portrait and even murdered one of his best friends. Eventually, he started to feel his beauty was no longer a grace but a curse and a burden. In the end, while attempting to hide his sins he accidentally caused his death maybe a salvation from this curse.