Benefits of Veganism

What is Veganism and What Benefits Does It Provide?

Veganism is the practice of avoiding harming animals. Vegans do not eat any food derived from animals such as meat, egg, and dairy products. However, it is not just about plant-based eating, they also do not use fur, leather, wool, and other animal-derived materials. Cosmetics is also an important area to consider. They choose cruelty-free products which are not tested on animals.

Contrary to popular beliefs, vegans are not starved, and they do not eat just salads made of grasses. There is a perception that considers healthy vegan foods boring and tasteless. Yet, there are many food options you cannot imagine. Vegan diets include high fiber, some vitamins, and low-calorie intake. Therefore, it lowers the risks of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.

Obesity has become a threat that has an influence worldwide.  With all that high-calorie intake from fast foods and fatty meat and dairy, gaining weight is inevitable. Having a plant-based diet, including low-calorie, more legumes, vegetables, and fruits, help people to lose weight easily and healthily.

Vegans have fewer symptoms of depression, have more improved moods, and tend to be more energetic. Some chemicals in meat allow you to suffer from depression more likely. However, complex carbohydrates included in vegan diets increase secreting serotonin hormone that gives you happiness.

Veganism aims to protect animal rights and prevent animal abuse. Hundreds of chickens live like sardines. Cows are fabricated as they were milk machines. They are forced to copulate and milked. When we think about animal abuse, we think about cows and chickens, but bees are forgotten. Bees are one of the most important species in the world and they are also exposed to exploitation. When vegan diets are healthy, then what is the purpose of killing animals?

Along with animal rights, veganism also has environmental benefits. Meat consumption requires a grand deal of water. According to Water Calculator, someone following a vegan diet has half the total water footprint as a meat-eater. Besides, it hampers carbon dioxide emissions largely, which can also reduce climate change. Veganism leads to less deforestation.

Changing your habits is burdensome; however, by taking small steps, little by little, you will save a lot of animals’ lives and the planet.