Books That Helped Me

Here are five books that have helped me become a better person.

Due to ample time at hand, people are turning to recognize and think better for themselves. They are exploring themselves whether in the way of knowing something new about themselves or accepting a part that was always ignored. A lot of people have turned to better themselves with the help of a variety of self-help books.

Reading books not only creates a good reading habit but also can help you to get the knowledge. There are many self-help books that can help people around with their life. These books are of great help if only one can be responsible and consistent with its contents. Here are some books that I have read which help me become a better person and live a better life.

1- Good Vibes, Good life

It is written by Vex King who tells you how to practice self-care in daily life. Tangled in our busy lives, we never have time for ourselves and often feel burnout. This book tells you practices that could be used on daily basis and they don’t take much of your time. I have read this book to start my self-care journey and why it is so important for everyone to be kind to themselves. This book has emphasized the need to have self-care for oneself and offers practices accordingly.

2- Healing is the new High

It is the second book of Vex King. This book helps to recognize your innermost fears that cause trauma, panic, and anxiety. There are practices that help you understand why you are afraid of certain things. It gently lets you handle yourself if triggered by any fear. While reading, it feels like talking to a trustworthy friend about your problems. The writing style of the book has been very simple and understandable. It let you take baby steps in order to overcome something that triggers you.

3- Atomic Habits

This book is written by James Clear. He gives ideas on how to improve your routine with small habits that makes big difference in our daily life. The book doesn’t only tells you to build new habits but also how to break some old bad habits. There are some habits that I wasn’t aware of being bad for me. This book has helped me create some healthy habits for myself. I have noticed following some habits does make a difference in my routine. It doesn't only make me happy with the fact that I am not indulging in habits that harm my body or health but also make me aware of my habits breaking the cycle of things that were harmful to me.

4- Ikigai

This has been the favorite of a lot of people. I would recommend it to people who want to bring clarity in life but also find meaning in it. It is a beautifully written book in simple words making it easier for people to follow along its lines. We all have at some point faced with uncertainty in life. I had faced it too. I read this book later in life but it has changed my perspective to look at life as a whole. It made me open to experiences as they come.

5- Think and grow rich

This book unleashes the secret of success. It is written by Napolean Hill who did his research on successful people to understand their key to success. It is highly motivating and also teaches you how you can get success in life with just the power of your thoughts. The book talks about the steps we need to become successful. It all starts with a thought, right?

This is my list of self–help books that help me become a better person by changing my habits and mentality towards a healthier path. I would recommend all these books if you are also looking for books that help you understand yourself better and it has made me a better person. Hope these books help you as much as they have helped me. 

See you in my next article!