Feeling Good: Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Are you feeling yourself good?
In daily life, we think so much about our feelings and many times we cannot find a reason to be happy. Actually, this is what makes people desperate and hopeless. At this point, Mrs. Harris can be a good role model for those who are lost in daily life.
Mrs. Harris, who had no news after sending her husband to war and worked as a day labourer, fell in love with the Dior dress she saw at a customer's house. After she had spent all her money on travel expenses, she went to Paris and knocked on the door of the fashion house to have a Dior dress herself. However, everything from the more royalist manager of the brand, which has not yet been opened to the public, to the countless setbacks that she could not have planned in advance, causes Ms. Harris's brief visit to last longer than planned.
For many, Mrs. Harris’s motivation behind this fabulous Dior dress may seem like materialistic rather than a reason to be happy. However, she is like a character from a fairy tale who haven’t got even a piece of evil in her heart. She helps everyone and makes life easier for them not just because of their happiness but also for her own happiness.
Apart from Mrs. Harris herself, the way the story is handled throughout the film may seem very artificial or even plastic to some, but when we put all prejudices aside and put ourselves in her shoes, perhaps the story of someone who has lost everything she values in life dreaming and pursuing this dream without caring about anything can make the story more realistic. This film, which follows the course of a childish fairy tale, conveys the feel-good motto to the audience very well. Despite all the setbacks, Ms. Harris never wavers in her dedication. The point that should be noted here is that he always makes others feel good in order to feel good. Maybe people who always want to feel good in life should stop looking only from their own perspective and empathize with people a little. You don't need to have very good things happen to you in life to feel good, says Ms. Harris. A person who wants to feel good must create his own reasons for this.
Overall, Sometimes it's a Dior dress, sometimes it's a very good job, or it's just something that is seen in the hustle and bustle of daily life; Everything can be a source of inspiration for a person, and things that seem impossible in life can bring more happiness than things that can be achieved very easily. Feeling good is in your hands.