Friends From College

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"Friends From College" is a Netflix comedy series that aired for two seasons between 2017 and 2019. The show delves into the lives of six Harvard alumni who find themselves reunited in New York City as adults, navigating the complexities of middle age with the same humor and dysfunction that marked their college years. With a cast led by Keegan-Michael Key as Ethan and Cobie Smulders as Lisa, the series is a mix of nostalgia, comedy, and drama.


Each character brings a unique dynamic to the group, creating a rich tapestry of relationships that are tested, broken, and reformed over the course of the series. Ethan and Lisa, in an attempt to rekindle their youthful aspirations and marital romance, move back to New York, unaware of the challenges this change will bring. Simultaneously, an ongoing affair between Ethan and Sam (Annie Parisse), another member of the group, adds a layer of secrecy and tension to the mix.

The show particularly shines in its portrayal of the entangled lives of its characters. Nick (Nat Faxon) and Lisa show a chemistry that hints at what could have been, while the rest of the friends, including the often overlooked but hilariously straightforward Marianne (Jae Suh Park) and the perpetually in-crisis Max (Fred Savage), add their own quirks to the group dynamics. The episodes, each about 30 minutes long, deftly balance humor with poignant moments, making the viewer both laugh and empathize deeply with the characters.

From left, Keegan-Michael Key, Nat Faxon, Annie Parisse, Fred Savage and Jae Suh Park in “Friends From College.”

Critically, "Friends From College" received mixed reviews. Critics praised the ensemble cast’s performance but were divided over the show's tone and the characters' moral complexities. Some viewed the flawed nature of the characters as a fresh take on adult comedies, while others felt it made them less relatable. Despite this, the series carved out a niche for itself, appreciated for its unflinching look at friendship and the unyielding bonds of youth.

The cast of "Friends From College" David Lee/Netflix

Beyond its narrative, the series is a commentary on the enduring nature of friendships formed in our formative years, exploring how they evolve—or don't—as life’s realities take hold. It also examines the idea that coming of age isn’t confined to our teenage years but is a continual process that challenges our ideals, choices, and relationships.

"Friends From College" ultimately offers a bittersweet exploration of growing up and growing apart, weaving humor with heartache in a way that’s both entertaining and thought-provoking. It might inspire viewers to reach out to old friends or reflect on their own life choices, making it a worthwhile watch for those who appreciate comedy intertwined with real-life drama.

From left, Annie Parisse, Nat Faxon, Keegan-Michael Key, Cobie Smulders, Jae Suh Park, Fred Savage and Billy Eichner in “Friends From College.” // David Lee/Netflix