Great Novelists of the Victorian Age  

Timeless Victorian Classics by Dickens, Thackeray, Eliot, and Hardy.

The Victorian age is the era which was said to be the sun never set on the British Empire. It is a time when Britain gained great power through its colonies and became the world’s first industrialized nation. The Victorian Age lasts from 1832 to 1901 during the reign of Queen Victoria. For the first time, the novel became very dominant in this era and many writers started to write novels at that time.

One of the great novelists of the Victorian age is Charles Dickens. He is the most famous Victorian novelist. His best-known works are Oliver Twist, Bleak House, David Copperfield, A Christmas Carol, Hard Times and Great Expectations. 

Another great novelist of the Victorian age is William Makepeace Thackeray. He wrote popular novels that contrasted human pretensions and human weaknesses. His first important novel is The Luck of Barry Lyndon. His best-known works are Vanity Fair, The History of Henry Esmond, The Adventures of Philip, and The Rose.

The other great novelist of the Victorian age is George Elliot. She was a leading figure. She is also a translator, poet, and journalist. His real name is Mary Ann Evans. She is the first modern novelist. Her best-known works are The Mill on the Floss, The Radical, Adam Bede, and Middlemarch.

Another great novelist of the Victorian age is Thomas Hardy. He saw almost all of the important events at that time. He reflected his view of humans struggling with these events very clearly. His best-known works are A Pair of Blue Eyes, The Return of the Native, The Mayor of Casterbridge, and Jude the Obscure.

These novelists were central figures of the Victorian age. Their works remain influential and are still widely read today.