How Can You Struggle Against Mansplaining?

One of the nuisance issues for us...

I can assure you that everyone has encountered mansplaining at some point in their lives. Today, we will take a look at mansplaining from another perspective.

First of all, what is mansplaining?

It is a way of explanation by a man in a patronizing manner as he assumes that the woman he is speaking to knows nothing. I would say that, in general, women face this. It happens when a man comes and interrupts you in the middle of a conversation, he acts like everyone has to listen to him and he is the most important person there.

Here is a chart taken from the BBC:

Some examples of mansplaining:

When you go to the gym, you may see guys who act like girls don't know the moves or machines, so they try to explain or show you every machine even if you didn't ask for it and already know it.

The most prevalent one is driving. What a shame, women are known to be bad at driving. It is a sexist and controversial stereotype. Regarding this stereotype, "men being men", they show you perfect parking methods even though you don't need them.

This one is my high school trauma. Being bullied and neglected by men in a group assignment, work, etc. Sometimes you don't need detailed analyses to see mansplaining, you might be ignored because you are a woman. In a group work, I was the only girl in that group. We were going to research something and I had some ideas and research methods. Nevertheless, nobody cared to notice me. Ignoring me, they planned among themselves and implemented their plan. I couldn't stand it, so I left the group. Moreover, when I tried to explain myself, they were making dün of me like "Ahahahaha women". I'm sure you all know this nuisance meme. I hate high school, sexist teenage boys, and unaware teachers.

So, how can you struggle against mansplaining?

1) Don't Hesitate To Be Rude

Girl... You don't have to be a sissy, feel free to warn him rudely.

For instance:

"Okay, shut your mouth and listen to me."

"Don't you dare interrupt me!"

"Is mansplaining a way of survival for you?"

2) Neglect the person

This is not just being quiet and listening. On the contrary, you should keep talking and don't permit him to interrupt you. Act like he is not there and continue to explain yourself or chip-chatting.

3) Womansplaining ;)

If he can mansplain, you can also womansplain. In a conversation when you perceive that you are being mansplained, you can respond by womansplaining.

"Okay you interrupted me, but I am sure you don't even know other books of this author. She has so many books about x topic."

"Am I right, you think I have no idea about modern literature? Let me explain what modern literature is, because it looks like you don't know it very well."

"Ok darling, now let me clarify something. The book you've been talking about is not qualified because of the new award criteria."

I hope this will be beneficial for you! See you in the next articles :)