Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild vs Genshin Impact

The difference between two phenomenal games

If you are a fan of role-playing games you probably heard about both Breath of the Wild and Genshin Impact. Both have been remarkable games since their initial releases. I have seen them being compared many times. Yet the question remains: Which game is better? Is it possible to compare them?

Breath of the Wild

The banner of Breath of the Wild

Let us start with the older title. Breath of the Wild is a game with a huge and challenging map. I find it much harder than Genshin Impact since it takes much more strategy to play the game. The player needs to be aware of the weapons being broken and having elixirs and potions that are necessary for some environments. The world is really pretty and dangerous. In some parts of the world, you find yourself enjoying the scenery, and in other parts, you try to survive the environment. There is also a broken mechanic concerning the weapons and shields. You can easily lose your best weapon and shield fairly easily while playing this game. Without giving spoilers, I want to talk about the storyline. It isn't linear and one can play the main quest in their preferred order. It doesn't need to be the main focus of the gameplay. There are many things to do, many monsters to fight, and many side quests to do. Yet, the main story is quite enjoyable with different kinds of gameplay. In some parts, Link needs to be sneaky and in some parts, he needs to face the monsters. I was shocked to find there were mechanics that I didn't know until halfway through to the story. The game surprises the player. Not with how the story proceeds but with the wide range of the gameplay. It is definitely one of the best games I have ever played.

Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact's first-anniversary official art

Among these two games, Genshin Impact was the first one I played. Upon playing both games, it is easy to see that many of Genshin Impact's mechanics were inspired by Breath of the Wild. Yet, I wouldn't call Genshin Impact a rip-off since it has a phenomenal story. The vision system makes the game more remarkable and to be honest, even if some people find the gacha frustrating, it encourages people to play the game more. It is addicting. Also, there is one more plus on the Genshin Impact's side: It is free to play. To play Breath of the Wild you need a Nintendo Switch and have to buy the game. But when it comes to Genshin Impact you just need a phone or a computer.