The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

"The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" movie captures the book's humor and key events, with charming differences that enhance the story.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy explores what it means to be human with a humorous touch. It pokes fun at the idea that humans can solve everything through science, encouraging us to see things differently. The book's randomness and ordinariness reflect real life.

The movie was easy to understand, and I didn't find the creatures and events strange. They matched my imagination from reading the book, making it fun to watch. There are very few differences between the book and the movie, so we can say the movie stays true to the book. Important events from the book are in the movie too. For example, in the book, Ford persuades Mr. Prosser to lie in front of the bulldozers, but in the movie, Ford gives everyone beer instead. This scene, although different, still parallels the extinction of Earth.

The relationship between Arthur and Trillian is more emotional and intimate in the movie. It feels like Arthur only cares about Trillian, giving the movie a love story vibe with a happy ending. I like love stories and happy endings, so I didn't mind this change.

Zaphod’s character is sillier in the movie. His other head is cut off, and he uses a lemon to think, making Ford seem like he’s taking care of him. The robot Marvin is another favorite character. Despite being described as a robot, he is very depressed and sarcastic, which made me laugh.

In the book, towels are very important, but in the movie, I didn’t feel that a towel is crucial for a hitchhiker. Before the end of the Earth, Ford finds a towel and takes it, but I don’t remember it being used for anything significant. In the book, the importance of the towel is emphasized much more.

The differences between the book and the movie add a unique atmosphere to the film. I enjoyed watching it despite these changes.