The Isolated Souls of Ours

The Abysses Inside Us and How We Manage Them

The Turkish film Issız Adam by Çağan Irmak narrates a couple’s romantic relationship and how modern life isolates people’s lives around 2008. The film contains plenty of cliches; however, it tells the truth and reality, which are sometimes related to stereotypes. 

From the perspective of analysis of the characters in the film, Alper, who is the main male character, reveals his inner journey throughout the film. He eventually finds himself isolated from the real world and even his life’s minor problems. He tries to fill the abysses inside him with one-night stands every single night like a sex addict. Actually, his only major problem is with himself, and he couldn’t make a real and deep relationship with somebody because he doesn’t confront himself and his sorrows, pains, and burdens.

Ada, on the other hand, is a typical, normal, loyal girlfriend who doesn’t deserve this ending. Technically, she is right, but life is not about who is right or wrong, and the film is also not that superficial. The story between Ada and Alper should have ended, as in the movie if they were real characters, so it’s clear from the beginning that there’s a possible breakup situation.


The film is a reflection of the modern and isolated society while the camera shoots around the Beyoğlu, Istanbul. Beyoğlu and its unique historical references are so essential; meanwhile, Ada and Alper seek for themselves in the old book store, the old record store, and the city. The past is just a desirable and fancied figure of their lives. They live in a life that is full of unhappiness and pain. 

The song choice in cinema is another important figure, and Issız Adam includes lots of supplementary songs such as Anlamazdın by Ayla Dikmen, Yalnızım Ben by Nil Burak, and Tutsana Ellerimi by Hümeyra. All of them are separately representing Alper and Ada’s own life journey.