The negative influence of social media on youth

Do you think that social media is something really social? Doesn't it take your social skills away from your daily conversation?

As time goes on, social media becomes more and more common in our days. Additionally, the new generation uses it more compared to adults. It has some consequences for youth. Let me explain the bad influences of using social media on youth.

To begin with, addiction is young people’s most important problem. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are the most used applications that young people use. When youth walk on the Street they cant notice other people or dogs while they look at their screens. This is called addiction. They can't do anything without looking at or checking their apps. For instance, they can not spend quality time with their friends because they are always on their phones. Addiction distracts them if they want to do something such as homework, chatting face to face, or doing yoga.

Secondly, there is so much information pollution. Some news on the TV or in newspapers can be told wrong on social media since there are too many accounts. Those accounts can be fake so it is not absolute to say that the news is true unless we know the source.

Finally, using too much social media affects our health. Spending time on your mobile for more than 2 hours a day can affect your eyes. Moreover, it is an obstacle to exercising. Just sitting and looking at a screen may provide you to gain weight. This can lead teenagers to be obese and use glasses.

To conclude, social platforms have some negative influence on young people. These are addiction, information pollution, and health problems.